
Stress can damage our will power. Some of us exercise more when we are stressed, some of us crawl back in bed. In my Stress Management class fall of 2010, I learned to visualize stress as a road. Along that road are the systematic ways our bodies respond to stressful situations. We have to learn how to set road blocks, a variety of roadblocks, along the stress road in order to prevent stress from affecting our health, and subsequently our personal power over our lives.
BYU has an amazing biofeedback lab where you can tryout several different stress relieving techniques. They measure how effective these techniques are at helping you de-stress. The tests are not available to the public, however, they do offer free downloads of the techniques! Each week I will ask you to try a new one. You need to try the same one for several days to measure its effectiveness for you, due to the variability of your emotions on different days.
Click here and scroll down to the agreement and it will take you to the download page.